
Uncover the incredible power of skin analysis with the Observe 520x Device.

As skincare professionals, we believe in equipping our clients with knowledge to make informed choices on their skincare journey. Understanding your skin at a deeper level is the key to achieving a healthy, radiant complexion.

The Observe 520x Device, with its revolutionary technology, magnifies our understanding of the skin, empowering us to address specific concerns and unlock our skin's true potential.

I would like to share my thoughts and how it can benefit you on your skincare journey.

Key Takeaways

The Observe 520x Device: A Breakthrough in Skin Analysis

Introducing the Observe 520x Device, revolutionising the field of skin analysis with its groundbreaking capabilities.

This advanced treatment takes skin analysis to new heights, providing a deeper understanding of our skin like never before. With its remarkable 520 times magnification, the Observe 520x offers a closer and clearer look at the skin, surpassing the capabilities of the naked eye and conventional equipment.

Its advanced optical technology allows us to explore the skin with unparalleled precision, revealing tiny imperfections, pigmentation irregularities, and hidden blemishes that may be invisible under normal lighting. The device is highly regarded in dermatology and aesthetics, assisting professionals in making accurate diagnoses of skin conditions at both the superficial and deeper layers.

Its user-friendly design and portable nature make it an appealing tool for professionals in various settings. The Observe 520x Device truly revolutionizes skin analysis and empowers us to achieve healthier and more radiant complexions.

Understanding the Science Behind Skin Analysis

Now let's delve into the science behind skin analysis and how it enhances our understanding of the skin's condition and needs.

Skin analysis involves examining and evaluating the skin's condition, texture, and health to tailor personalized skincare routines and professional treatments.

The Observe 520x Device, with its advanced optical technology and 520 times magnification, allows for a closer and clearer look at the skin than ever before.

By assessing various skin conditions such as moisture levels, oiliness, pigmentation, and texture, can inform my decisions to address specific concerns.

The device's lighting options, including polarized and UV lighting, reveal imperfections and hidden blemishes that may not be visible under normal lighting.

This innovative technology provides professionals with a deeper understanding of the skin, enabling them to make accurate diagnoses and create effective treatment plans.

Key Benefits of Using the Observe 520x Device

One of the key benefits of using the Observe 520x Device is its ability to provide a precise and personalised analysis of the skin. This advanced instrument offers a range of advantages that can enhance your skincare journey:

With the Observe 520x, you can gain a deeper understanding of your skin and make informed decisions for healthier, more radiant skin.

How the Observe 520x Device Enhances Your Skincare Routine

With the Observe 520x Device, we can elevate our skincare routine by gaining a deeper understanding of our skin and making more informed decisions for healthier, more radiant skin.

This revolutionary device enhances our skincare routine by providing a closer and more detailed look at our skin than ever before. Its advanced optical technology allows for a remarkable 520 times magnification, revealing imperfections, pigmentation irregularities, and hidden blemishes that may be invisible to the naked eye.

The Observe 520x Device incorporates various lighting options, such as polarized and UV lighting, which further enhance its ability to analyze our skin's unique needs and concerns.

Unlocking Your Skin's Potential With Personalized Analysis

As we delve into the topic of 'Unlocking Your Skin's Potential With Personalized Analysis', let's continue exploring how the Observe 520x Device revolutionizes our skincare routine, enabling us to gain a deeper understanding of our skin and make more informed decisions for healthier, more radiant skin.

Frequently Asked Questions

How Much Does the Observe 520x Device Cost?

The cost of the Observe 520x device varies depending on the seller and any additional features or accessories included. It is recommended to contact authorised distributors or manufacturers for specific pricing information.

What Kind of Training Is Required to Use the Observe 520x Device Effectively?

To use the Observe 520x device effectively, we have undergone comprehensive training that covers interpreting results, utilising its features, and understanding its technical capabilities. This ensures accurate analysis and maximizes the device's potential in skin diagnostics.

Are There Any Potential Side Effects or Risks Associated With Using the Observe 520x Device?

There are no known side effects or risks associated with using the Observe 520x device. It is a safe and non-invasive tool that provides valuable insights into your skin's condition and helps guide personalized skincare routines.

Can the Observe 520x Device Be Used on All Skin Types and Ages?

Yes, the Observe 520x device can be used on all skin types and ages. It is a versatile tool that provides personalized analysis and tailored recommendations for effective skincare treatments and product selections.

Rounding It Up.

In conclusion, the Observe 520x Device revolutionises skincare analysis by providing a deeper understanding of our skin's unique needs and concerns.

With its advanced technology, we can unlock your skin's potential and achieve healthier, more radiant complexions.

By assessing various skin parameters, we can make informed decisions to address and prevent specific concerns and provide a better skincare regimen for you.

Experience the power of skin analysis with the Observe 520x Device and embark on a journey towards healthier, more beautiful skin.

I say it all the time, but healthy skin is a really good indication of all-round health. In order to target skin concerns, we must start from within, and that is where Blood-Based Testing and Supplementation play key parts in your skin recovery and long-term goals.

First of all, a little science for you all (I promise, it is really interesting…)

The composition of fats in our cell membranes plays a crucial role in maintaining optimal health and functionality. The fatty acid profile of our cell membranes influence a wide range of cellular processes:

Cell Signalling:

Our cell membranes are made up of fatty acids. These fatty acids act as signalling molecules, transmitting messages both within cells and between them. By assessing and optimising our fatty acid profile, we can enhance cellular communication, leading to improved overall health and well-being.

Fluidity and Transport:

The fluidity of cell membranes directly affect the movement of nutrients, hormones, and other essential molecules in and out of our cells. An imbalanced fatty acid composition can disrupt this delicate balance and hinder the transport of critical substances. By analysing and fine-tuning our fatty acid profile, we can promote better nutrient absorption and waste removal, ultimately supporting our body's metabolic processes.

Membrane Integrity:

Our cell membranes act as the protective barriers of our cells, safeguarding them against harmful pathogens and maintaining their structural integrity. When our fatty acid composition is out of balance, the membrane's ability to defend against external threats weakens and reduces resistance to inflammatory processes. Regular testing of our fatty acid profile ensures that our cell membranes remain strong and resilient, supporting our immune system and overall health.

So, why is getting our fatty acid profile tested so important?

Traditional diets and modern lifestyles often lead to imbalances in essential fatty acids, such as an overabundance of Omega-6 at the expense of Omega-3s. These imbalances can increase the risk of chronic inflammation, cardiovascular issues, and metabolic disorders.

By getting our fatty acid profile tested, we gain insights into our unique cellular composition. This knowledge empowers us to make informed dietary choices, incorporate targeted supplementation, and adopt lifestyle changes to optimise our overall well-being and health – what’s not to love?

Now we’ve deciphered why blood-based testing is so important, let me introduce you to Zinzino…

If you have followed my work for a long time, you will know that I spend years researching products before I decide whether or not to take them on and I am very excited to have just started working with Zinzino…

We all know that good health comes from within, and your skin health is no different. If your body is in balance, then chances are that your skin will be too, but sometimes it’s hard to know what’s going on inside, that’s where Zinzino Balance tests come in.

Why Zinzino blood tests are a good idea?

They offer a comprehensive health assessment:

Zinzino blood tests offer a comprehensive view of your health, examining various biomarkers that can provide insights into your overall well-being. These biomarkers include essential fatty acids, omega-3 and omega-6 ratios, vitamins, minerals, and inflammatory markers.

Complete personalised nutrition:

By analysing your blood, Zinzino can tailor nutritional recommendations to address any deficiencies or imbalances detected in your body. This personalised approach can help you adjust your diet and lifestyle and optimise your health and well-being.

Early detection of health issues:

Zinzino blood tests can detect potential health issues before symptoms appear. This early detection can be crucial in preventing and managing chronic diseases such as heart disease, diabetes, and inflammation-related conditions.

What do the tests look for?

Your finger prick test will measure the following:

How do Zinzino tests work?

If you decide to go ahead, the first thing to do is get in touch with me here and I will get you registered and set up. You will receive a simple finger prick test which can be done yourself at home or in clinic. You then simply post them off and after advanced laboratory analysis, you will receive your results a few weeks later.

Once you have your results we can sit and discuss. We can then start talking about Zinzino supplementation.


Zinzino off a small but comprehensive range of supplements with their signature product being their Omega 3 Balance Oil.

Omega-3 fatty acids are beneficial for skin health primarily because they help maintain the skin's barrier function and reduce inflammation.

So here why they are good for your skin:

Anti-Inflammatory Properties:

Inflammation is a key driver of various skin issues, including acne, psoriasis, and eczema. Omega-3s can help reduce redness, swelling, and itching associated with these conditions.


Omega-3s help maintain the skin's natural oil barrier, which is crucial for keeping your skin hydrated and preventing dryness, flakiness, and rough patches.

Protection Against UV Damage:

Some studies suggest that omega-3s may offer some protection against the harmful effects of UV radiation from the sun, which can lead to premature aging and skin damage.

Wound Healing:

Omega-3s can aid in wound healing and tissue repair, helping the skin recover more effectively from injuries, cuts, or surgeries.

Collagen Production

These fatty acids can stimulate collagen production, which is essential for maintaining skin elasticity and reducing the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles.

Reduction in Acne

By helping control excess oil production, Omega 3’s can reduce the likelihood of clogged pores, which are associated with acne breakouts.

To reap the skin benefits of omega-3s, consider incorporating sources like fatty fish (salmon, mackerel, sardines), flaxseeds, chia seeds, walnuts, and supplements into your diet.

Remember that a balanced diet and overall skincare routine are also crucial for maintaining healthy skin.

To book an online or face-to-face skin consultation and start your journey with Zinzino and blood-based testing please email Zoe at [email protected].

I have offered Celluma LED Therapy for over 7 years now and I am a huge fan of it. Not only is it results-driven and non-invasive, but it’s also incredibly relaxing too, what’s not to love?

As with all the treatments I offer, I wanted to further my education in it and last year I decided to undertake the next level of training meaning I am now qualified to level 4 in LED therapy. This means I have an in-depth understanding of how LED works and welcome any questions you may have.

I wanted to introduce you to this fantastic treatment as it is a wonderful addition to all facial treatments, it can be included in my signature facials, added on to a chemical peel and is included as standard in my micro-needling.

What is Celluma LED Therapy?

Celluma is the only all-in-one LED light therapy device designed to manage a variety of pain and skin conditions. Light therapy, also known as phototherapy or low-level light therapy, is the application of specific wavelengths of light energy to tissue to obtain therapeutic benefits for a variety of conditions including skin, pain and hair restoration.

Phototherapy, or LED therapy, has been widely researched and is supported by thousands of peer-reviewed and published clinical research papers from prestigious institutions around the world.

Celluma light therapy is a quick, pain-free procedure that entails no recovery time. Within a few treatment sessions, many patients experience dramatic results, and their skin often continues to improve over time.

How does it work?

In the same way that plants use chlorophyll to convert sunlight into energy, high-intensity light-emitting diodes (LEDs) utilising specific, proven wavelengths of light can trigger a natural bio stimulatory effect in human tissue. Research has shown that light-emitting diode (LED), or phototherapy can increase circulation, accelerate tissue repair, kill acne bacteria, decrease inflammation, improve acne-prone skin, skin tone, texture and clarity, decrease under-eye wrinkles as well as ease muscle and joint pain, stiffness, spasm, and pain associated with arthritis.

The most important part in choosing an LED treatment is to understand that only specific wavelengths and specific light colours create the desired results which is where in-clinic devices differ so much to those devices available for home use.

There is no clinical, peer-reviewed evidence to suggest that colours other than red, blue and infra-red at specific wavelengths have positive effects on the skin so whether you’re investing for home use or looking at in-salon use ensure you know what you’re looking for or that your therapist can answer these questions.

What do I use it for?

I use Celluma LED Therapy to help my clients with skin complaints such as:

What different types are there?

LED Red:

Excellent for anti-ageing and to accelerate healing.

Scientifically proven to boost collagen and elastin production by stimulating fibroblasts, evens out skin tone and texture, soothes redness and promotes radiance. Its low-level light therapy is a safe, effective and convenient way to achieve a healthy, youthful glow in a natural, non-toxic, non-invasive manner.

LED Blue:

Excellent for acne-prone skin.

Blue light is calming on the skin and helps to improve skin clarity. It is also a powerful antibacterial treatment that treats acne, normalises oil production and works to destroy acne-causing bacteria which prevent future breakouts before they happen, all without abrasive chemicals, harmful UV rays.

What are the benefits?


Celluma light therapy will reduce fine lines, wrinkles, and other signs of ageing and can be used on the face and neck.

Tackling Acne

It is also a powerful antibacterial treatment that treats acne, normalises oil production and works to destroy acne-causing bacteria which prevent future breakouts before they happen, all without abrasive chemicals, harmful UV rays.

What to expect at my appointment?

Celluma is a pain-free, results-driven yet relaxing treatment for many. It is a lightweight canopy that sits in close proximity to your skin across the face and neck and emits a bright pulsing light, not too dissimilar to laying on a sunny beach on foreign shores except that this is repairing the damage that sunlight has likely caused 😉

What else should I know?

Treatment time – 15-30 minutes
Downtime – None
Course recommendation – Course of 5, two appointments per week to start with
Price - £40 per session or £340 for a course of 10

Celluma can be undertaken as a standalone course and is recommended 2 x per week for a minimum of 5 weeks depending on your concern but I favour adding it onto other modalities for exceptional results.

How to book – click here to go to the appointments page or call 01548 844983

Do you know it is estimated that 95% of women do not get enough Vitamin A?
Vitamin A is essential for normal skin cell development and differentiation. It inhibits collagen breakdown, increases collagen synthesis, increases elasticity, improves water barrier function, is anti-inflammatory, regulates sebum production (making it an excellent choice for treating acne as well as ageing) and is the only ingredient we know of that actually reverses the signs of photo-ageing.

Vitamin A is found in the following foods:

To name a few!

But even eating these cannot always provide the amount you need for optimum skincare.

You can also consider supplementing with Skin Complete which is a Vitamin A and Antioxidant due from The Advanced nutrition programme, adequate internal absorption works on those deepest layers of the skin and has also been shown to improve the skins tolerance to topical retinol.

This is where Retinol comes into it’s own.

Retinol is a derivative of Vitamin A which can be used topically to treat the following concerns:

It’s no secret that as the years go on, we age. Retinol will become your new best friend and the greatest weapon against wrinkles and the ravages of time. This pure, topical form of Vitamin A helps increase skin’s thickness and collagen production, firming and refining the complexion and restoring its vibrancy – a literal fountain of youth.

Basically, as we age, the epidermis thickens while the dermis thins. The use of retinoids inverts that aging process, so long-term retinoid users enjoy an epidermis with less age spots and wrinkles supported by a lovely thick dermis.

Early retinol usage also helps delay the aging process, so the best time to start using a retinol is in your early thirties, when your cell turnover rate begins to slow. One of the benefits of getting an early start on over-the-counter retinols is that you can hold off on prescription retinoids until your forties or fifties.

So, grab yourself a cup of tea and let me tell you all about Retinol…

Myth Buster

Some people fear Retinol and believe that their skin is too sensitive for it, some have tried them and discontinued them due to a reaction, and others fear that retinoids are not natural and should be avoided.

The truth is that retinoids are the common denominator of skin care—although everyone’s skin is different, almost every type of skin can benefit from them. Of course, a crucial exception applies to those who are pregnant, trying to get pregnant, nursing or those using medication that contraindicates use.

A few symptoms common to the beginning stages of retinoid use might explain why many people either fear to try them or discontinue their use before they’ve had the opportunity to revel in the improvements.

Retinoids can initially cause peeling and some redness, a process called facial Retinisation. Users should be aware that this is normal and to be expected — peeling and redness are side effects of retinoids working at a profound level to influence gene expression, resulting eventually in enhanced collagen production, skin smoothing and the evening out of pigmentation.

When people experience such symptoms, they often make the mistake of stopping their treatment program, then waiting until the skin gets “better” before beginning again. This is why it is so important to work with a skin specialist who can guide and support you along the way to help you maximise therapeutic benefits of the wonderful ingredient that is retinol.

So how can you get your maximum dose of age-fighting retinol without traumatizing your skin?

The Golden Rules of Retinol

  1. Consult a professional
    There are some cases where we avoid recommending retinol (when your barrier is seriously impaired, if you struggle with rosacea or with certain conditions such as pregnancy) If you want to add retinol into your routine, you’ll need specific guidance on where to fit it in and how to get the best out of it for YOUR skin
  2. Set up a routine
    Begin by using your retinoid every other or every third night and work up to every night but be consistent
  3. Prepare your skin
    You may need to work on barrier function before beginning topical retinol therapy and studies show that continuing use of a barrier-enhancing cosmetic moisturiser during therapy improves the longer-term results.
  4. Further preparation and enhancement
    Consider taking a Vitamin A supplement, studies have shown that the skin of someone consuming higher levels of Vitamin A are more likely to tolerate the application of retinol far more easily, this will lead to quicker results.
  5. Avoid usage during the day
    Contrary to popular belief, retinoids do not contribute to photosensitivity, but retinoic acid can thin the outer layers of the skin by about a third, making the skin more susceptible to sunburn. However, I suggest confining your usage to night-time. Retinoids degrade in the light, so you’re not getting your money’s worth if you use them during the day. In short: use retinoids at night only, use sunscreen daily, and try to avoid excessive heat, from either the sun or sauna.
  6. Wear SPF. Always
    As you’ll now know from the above retinols should be left to the evening and I hope that anyone that considers themselves savvy about skincare is wearing a broad spectrum mineral based SPF 365 days of the year (Yes come rain or shine; we are protecting against UV not just the sun itself!) but it is exceptionally important to use an SPF daily when including a retinol in your routine, after all there is no point in attempting to correct your skin concerns when you’re not protecting it from further damage.
  7. Be patient
    This is not an overnight process for anyone, and depending on the type of retinoid you use, the condition you are treating and the condition of your skin, it could take six to eight weeks before you start to see significant changes.
  8. Order of application?
    The dermatologists answer is nothing to do with application decides how much of the retinol is converted into retinoic acid, the form of vitamin A that actually repairs skin. That's solely related to your skin's chemistry and retinoid receptors. So, the order of application can vary depending on what we are trying to achieve, generally if your skin is sensitised then we may suggest applying over your mioisturiser to buffer the absorption, otherwise we would say to make it the first serum you apply.
    What matters is that you follow educated guidance and find the type of retinoid that best suits you, make it a part of your skin care routine, and be consistent in its use. You’ll be very happy you made the effort.
  9. Waxing and Retinol use
    Specialising in waxing and skincare puts me in a good position to warn you about the use of retinol when you also choose to wax: Whilst Retinols are beneficial for your skin it does mean we need to be more mindful when waxing your brows or other facial areas. Normally when we wax, we remove some very superficial skin cells on the surface, if you are using retinol the chances are that these superficial skin cells aren’t present which means that your wax could cause grazing on your skin. I take steps to ensure we minimise the chance of grazing, I use mineral powder to barrier your skin prior to use and I work in small sections, I also use hot was as opposed to strip wax where needed. It’s really important that you make me aware if you have recently started using a retinol product that I am unaware of so that we can make an informed decision when It comes to hair removal. If you have introduced retinol and you have a wax booked, I would suggest discontinuing use for 7 days prior to be on the safe side.

Alumier Retinol:

When first starting to use retinol, I would always recommend using Alumier - starting on 0.25%, and over time you can move up to 0.5% and finally 1%.
Retinol Resurfacing Serum is a pure potent retinol serum that dramatically improves the appearance of fine lines, wrinkles, blemishes, and skin texture, while evening skin tone.
Cutting-edge microencapsulated retinol allows for gradual timed-release overnight. By encapsulating the retinol and adding soothing and hydrating ingredients like niacinamide, honey, and sodium hyaluronate, maximal results can be achieved in comfort.
To order your Retinol and begin your journey to younger-looking skin, follow the link and use the details below:

Experience Alumnier Retinol

It has been wonderful to see so many new laws and eco-friendly initiatives being presented to the government in recent times. We have always made a real conscious effort at The Beauty Lounge to be as mindful as possible about our Carbon Footprint and every day we get closer and closer to achieving our goal of being an eco-friendly Salon. We wanted to share with you just some of the ways we do this and always welcome any tips you might have for us for striving to achieve our goal.

Our eco initiatives start in the day-to-day running of the Salon. In order to provide our clients with the softest, fluffiest towels, we use an Eco-Friendly washing machine along with environmentally friendly washing powders and softeners. We use LED lights and where possible, keep printing and paper use to a minimum. We are slowly making the switch to having consultations online only too which will massively reduce the paper we use and will keep data more secure. Instead of disposable magazines, we have provided gorgeous, informative books for our clients to flick through whilst relaxing in our waiting room. We try where at all possible to not use plastic, but if we have to then of course all plastic, paper and glass waste is recycled.

As most of you know already, we have spent a long time researching the best products in the market to provide you with the most high-end treatments, and the impact these products have on the environment has also been a key factor in our decision making of whether to take them on board.

You may have seen on our Social Media channels but last year the Advanced Nutrition Programme re designed and launched their new packaging which is now 100% recyclable and looks fantastic. David Alpert, Managing Director at the Advanced Nutrition Programme said: "We committed to providing the highest quality from the very first introduction of the Advanced Nutrition Programme over a decade ago. We saw a clear gap in the marketplace for beauty supplements that would make a scientifically proven difference to the quality of people’s skin and well-being plus, environmental responsibility. The new brand identity and creative delivery is a statement of our history, scientific journey and values over the past decade. It provides Skin Professionals with a product that appeals to the consumer on the shelf and contributes to the well-being of the environment as well as the consumer" We think you will agree the new packaging looks amazing?!

We are trying to have as many 100% Vegan products in the Salon as possible. The Gel Bottle gel polish, Zoya nail polish, and Jax Wax are all 100% Vegan and nothing in the Salon is tested on animals. Our Jane Iredale make-up range is Leaping Bunny Certified as 100% Cruelty Free as well.

We are also thrilled to announce that we are now part of the Salcombe Be Plastic Clever initiative! You can find our more about this wonderful cause here:

If you have any other ideas or tips to help us achieve our goal we would love to hear them! Just email [email protected].

Okay, although hard to hear, let’s start with the facts.

Skin cancer is the UK’s most common and fastest rising cancer. Melanoma, the deadliest form of the disease, is now one of the biggest cancer killers in 15-34 year olds and experts estimate that by 2024, Melanoma will become one of the most common forms of all major cancers (source: Scary, right?!

The thing is, with early detection of signs and symptoms over 86% of cases are preventable! This is why it was so important to us at The Beauty Lounge to take the Masced course so while looking after our clients skin we can detect early signs. Facials and skincare are not just about looking and feeling great – they are also about looking after our biggest organ!

Exposure to direct sunlight is one of the major causes of skin cancer, so of course there are precautions that you can take while still enjoying the sunshine…

Always wear an SPF

Who’s guilty of thinking “I’m not on holiday…I don’t need to wear sun cream?!” Well, the sun is the same here in England (even if we don’t see it very often!) It is vital that you wear sun protection every day, especially on your face. This is because the skin on your face is considerably thinner that on your body so needs extra protection. Picking the right sunscreen is very important -
You will be surprised to hear that there are studies in America and Australia that now suggest all of the commonly used Chemical sunscreens you pick up from your local chemists are in fact really quite harmful for our health and that the chemicals have been detected in unborn children!:

We believe the best sun screen available on the market at the moment is AlumierMD. Over 100 years of research have gone into the brand’s products and their range of sun screens are specifically formulated to keep your skin safe - Alumier MD is 100% mineral physical and it is broad spectrum which means it protects against both UVA and UVB rays.

These SPF’s use a mix of zinc oxide and titanium dioxide, moisturizing vitamin E, with free-radical-quenching antioxidants, including a stable vitamin C, resveratrol, grape seed extract and glutathione.

There are six different types of Alumier sunscreens so we will be able to help you find the perfect one for your skin.

During July, as part of our Skincare Awareness Month we are offering £5 off all of our AlumierMD Sunscreens.

Sit in the shade

It sounds obvious but it makes a huge difference! If you love to sit in the sun, just make sure you limit your time and hop in and out of the shade as often as possible!

Wear a hat

Wearing a sun hat protects your face and also helps to keep you cool. The sun can cause headaches so this helps with that as well!

Drink plenty of water

This is vital for your skin all year round but particularly in the summer!

Eat the right foods

Certain foods are known to increase lycopene, the skin's own SPF. An antioxidant found in tomatoes, and other red and orange fruit and veg, it can boost your sun protection by a whopping 33%. One of the best sources is tomato puree.

Beware of reflections

Snow can intensify sun radiation by up to 85%, water by up to 17% and sand by up to 5%!

Avoid drinking alcohol

However fun drinking alcohol in the sunshine sounds, it is very dangerous for your skin! According to The Telegraph, researchers published in the British Journal of Dermatology have found that ethanol is converted to a chemical compound called acetaldehyde after it is ingested, which may act as a ‘photosensitizer’ making skin sensitive to light.

Cover up correctly

Take light, loose clothing with you so you can cover up whenever you need to!

If you would like to talk to us about skincare in the sun and look at our range of SPF’s please drop into the Salon or give us a call. To view our full range of facial and skin treatments click here

Have you heard about the Advanced Nutrition Programme?

If not, now is the time to start your journey to feeling and looking amazing, from the inside out.

The ANP is a range specifically formulated on scientific research that features quality ingredients which feed your skin from within. There range focuses on skincare, health, vitality, and anti-ageing as well as weight loss, food intolerance, digestion, bone and joint support.

When you want to look your best, how you look after your body internally is just as important as what you apply externally and not a lot of people know this, but it is incredibly hard to get all your nutrients from fruit and vegetables alone! You would need to ensure you were eating in season organic produce in the correct amounts every single day. For example -  just two capsules from the ANP Skin Collagen Support Capsules contain enough vitamins, minerals and protein to boost your daily intake enough. This doesn’t only  have overall benefits your skin but your hair, nails and wellbeing!

Aside from its health benefits, we love this company for lots of other reasons, starting with their dedication towards being 0 waste. A couple of years ago they unveiled their new packaging which is now 100% recyclable and ethically made. David Alpert, Managing Director at Advanced Nutrition Programme, said: “The new brand identity and creative delivery is a statement of our history, scientific journey and values over the past decade. We saw a clear gap in the marketplace for beauty supplements that would make a scientifically-proven difference to the quality of people’s skin and well-being plus, environmental responsibility”

Here are our top picks of ANP supplements:-

Skin Accumax


*Vitamin A contributes to the maintenance of normal skin

Skin Omegas


Skin Vit A

Skin Collagen Plus

Glucosamine Plus

Glucosamine Plus is a daily food created to help support mobility and flexibility*^. Provides vitamin C to help support the formation of the structural building blocks of bones and joint cartilage - collagen*, together with copper to help maintain connective tissue^. Enriched with glucosamine, MSM and zinc.

Don’t forget we have an amazing offer on ANP at the moment!

Buy two and save £5, buy three and save £7.50


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